This capital campaign provides long-term funding for the retirement and medical needs of priests and women religious, as well as support of individual parishes.

Campaign goals

  • Establish a stronger retirement for priests by moving to a fully-funded model for pension and medical plans.
  • Increase the ability of women religious orders to care for their members while continuing their ministry to God’s people.
  • Give parishes more resources for local ministries, services and programs.
  • Lead by example in prayer, action, and generosity.
  • Reinforce a dynamic faith for the next generation of Catholics in Western Washington.
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Who the campaign supports

Campaign success

Kicking off in 2018, the Called to Serve As Christ campaign rolled out in four waves across 168 parishes and missions. The active phase of the campaign concluded in early 2021 and now the campaign is in its pledge fulfillment phase.

Currently the campaign has received $48.8M of the $65 million that was pledged by more than 23,000 people.

Thank you to everyone who continues to fulfill their pledges.



CTSAC prayer

Contact Us

710 9th Ave
Seattle, WA 98104-2017