Encounter Jesus Christ and one another.
What is Encounter?
Jesus invites all of us to have a personal relationship with him. Encounter is about entering into this relationship through real, authentic experiences and recognizing his presence in our lives and in others.
Just as the woman at the well accepted herself because of her encounter with Jesus (John 4), we will also find the same love, mercy and acceptance from a relationship with Jesus.
What can you do today to encounter Jesus in a more meaningful way?

Invitation to Encounter
In this brief video, Archbishop Etienne talks about what an encounter with Jesus is, the importance of having a personal relationship with him, and encourages us to prayerfully renew this relationship through Scripture, the Sacraments and acts of charity.
How do you encounter Jesus Christ?
Watch and listen to local Catholics answer this question in these brief videos. What step can you take today to grow in your personal relationship with Jesus?
The Eucharist
Adoration & Prayer
Charity & Prayer
“I invite all Christians, everywhere, at this very moment, to a renewed personal encounter with Jesus Christ, or at least an openness to letting him encounter them; I ask all of you to do this unfailingly each day.”
Pope Francis
Take an inventory of your relationship with Jesus. Spend a few minutes to ask yourself these questions.
Do I have a relationship with Jesus Christ?
Have I ever prayed to Jesus, asking for a life-giving encounter?
What do I notice about people who have deep relationships with God?
In what ways can I continually cultivate a close friendship with Jesus?
What can I do to prioritize my relationship with Jesus?
Encounter Christ in Scripture
God speaks to us through the Scriptures, and reading the Bible is a powerful way to encounter Jesus. Spend time reading the Gospels, especially the Resurrection accounts (below) and stories of people having life-changing encounters with Jesus, like Zacchaeus (Luke 19) and the Samaritan woman at the well (John 4).
Encounter Christ in the Sacraments
The Sacraments are powerful moments of encounter with Jesus and sources of grace. Living a Sacramental life is pivotal to our Catholic faith. Regular reception of the Sacraments is critical to fostering a meaningful relationship with Christ.
- Seek Jesus in the Eucharist every Sunday and even more frequently as you are able. The Mass is the "source and summit" of our Christian life. Learn more about the Eucharist here.
- Go to the Sacrament of Reconciliation to receive God's abundant mercy and forgiveness. Learn more here.
- If you have not received all the Sacraments of initiation (baptism, confirmation and first Communion), or if you have been away from the Sacraments for a while, learn more here.

Encounter Christ in Prayer
- Find a quiet place where you can be contemplative to pray. Consider spending time in front of the Eucharist in adoration.
- Take time to speak to God as you would to a close friend. If you cannot think of what to say, tell God what you are feeling, what gives you hope, or what causes you anxiety. God already knows what you need (Matthew 6:8).
- Bring a challenging situation to God and ask for guidance (What is the truth of this situation? What lies do I believe?).
- Ask what you can do today to love more or to serve God’s will.
- Learn more about prayer here.

Explore more ways to enrich your faith here.