Home Events - AOS DEVELOPMENT Moral Theology Series
Moral Theology

Moral Theology Series

We grow up often seeing the Church’s moral teachings as a list of rules I have to follow and a bunch of things I can’t do. But Moral Theology is defined by one renowned theologian as “the branch of theology that studies human acts so as to direct them to a loving vision of God seen as our true, complete happiness and our final end. This vision is obtained by means of grace, the virtues, and the gifts, in the light of revelation and reason.” (Fr. Servais Pinckaers, OP, The Sources of Christian Ethics).

Join us as we study Catholic Moral Theology, not as a series of rules to be followed, but as that path of beatitude, supported by grace, that is our perfection, our flourishing, and our ultimate happiness.

Series of livestreamed talks on Tuesdays at 7 pm.   No registration required.  Join by clicking here: https://www.blessed-sacrament.org/cwtp-moral-theology

Everyone is welcome to join at any point during the series, and past sessions are available at the link above.


January 11: Grace
January 18: The Beatitudes
January 25: No Class
February 1: No Class
February 8: The Sermon on the Mount
February 15: Vices
February 22: Virtues
March 1: The Practice of Fasting
March 8: Moral Action
March 15: Natural Law
March 22: The Ten Commandments
March 29: Public Christian Life in the World and the Culture of Death
April 5: Personal Christian Life in the World


Feb 15 2022


7:00 pm - 8:00 pm




Blessed Sacrament, Seattle